We do not speak of terror because a man having
made up his mind to die does net mind. very much how he dies. But we do speak of the utter ruin which lies before civilization ; and if a way to avoid war is not discovered civilization will go down because, although all knowledge is within its grasp, it does not know how to prevent the perfectly obvious means of its own undoing. What an epitaph would have to be written on the civilization of our day 1 The first assembly of the League met With the United States not represented. Germany had not even asked to be represented. If she had asked, France would have retuned. The representatives of yellow and brown races were there, but the representatives of 400 millions of white people Were not there. M. Hymans, till lately Foreign Minister, of 13e1gium, was elected President of the Assembly. "Hate is a said M. Motta, President of the Swiss Confederation, who "cicomed the delegates, but we fear that something other than
ate is the immediate danger. It cannot be disguised that etween France and ourselves there is a conflict of policy. France wants the old means of security which can be defined with the accuracy of a syllogism in terms of statecraft and strategical position.