20 NOVEMBER 1920, Page 13


(To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") view of alien interference it is not surprising that vote of Scotland should have been practically solid for " ?Co change." This is a matter of sound and healthy renti- meet, but the Scots, with their well-known aptitude for logic, must also have felt that the three options of total prohibition, reduction, and no change were futile as dealing with the mere outside of the matter. When the faetory system was indicted by reformers in the nineteenth century, Parliament did not take the course of limiting the number of factories; it took measures to ensure proper management. If, therefore, &set- land wishes to tackle the liquor problem, it should insist on obtaining two further options :—(a) Management of 25 per cent, of all licensed houses in a voting district by authorized companies, with limited dividends, as suggested years ago by Joseph Chamberlain; (b) management of 25 per cent. of ends licensed houses as above, by the State, as at Carlisle and else- where. In this manner local experiments could be made all over the country, and the public could try to solve the drink question for itself by the only scientific method, that of direct and progressive experiment. The Central Public House Trust Association is not directly concerned with Scotland; I only give the above, therefore, as an unofficial and C01111110B-Sellre suggestion for detailed development by others.—I am, Sir, Ice.„ REGINALD Oilers, Secretary.

Central Public House Trust Association.

193 Regent Street, W. 1.