20 NOVEMBER 1920, Page 13


[To THE EDITOR Or THE " SPECTATOR.") Sin.—The Spectator has helped many causes. May I plead for its aid on behalf of the Ranyard Mission, which for sixty-three years has been doing an unobtrusive but very necessary work in many parts of London? Founded in 1857 with the ideal of creating 'a home life in the slums and alleys where there was little worthy of the name of home, it has developed into a double ministry : (1) To train and supply home mission workers. Many a family owes its happiness to the influence Of one of those workers, and who does not realize how much depends at this time on inspiring the women and young people with a right ideal of life? (2) To supply fully trained district nurses. Perhaps only the doctors and patients realize how urgently skilled care is necessary in times of sickness in the sui, all homes where a resident nurse is out of the question. Neither the 85 nurses nor the 85 mission workers can bear !heir messages of life and healing for body and spirit to those In need unless funds come in for their support. Contributions, whiell are urgently needed, would be most thankfully received by the Secretaries Ranvard Mission, 25 Russell Square, W.C. 1, and I commend this work to the generosity of your