The Prime Minister, in reply, reminded Mr. Asquith that the
Bill conferred very wide powers upon the Irish Parliaments. The Sinn Feiners asked for independence, and a Constituent Assembly chosen at this moment would demand nothing less. though Ireland did not really want it and could not have The Irishman was in a temper and would not consider the Bill calmly. Great Britain could not perrait Ireland to secede, nor could she give up complete control of Irish harbours. When Mr. Asquith talked of according Dominion Home Rule to Ireland, he did-not really mean all that it implied in regard to the Irish ports. Further, we could not allow Ireland to organise a separate army or-navy. Uhster.must.not be coerced ; it was a matter of expediency whether she should be left as she was, or endowed with a separate Parliament. The Bill gave a.very large measure of fiscal autonomy to Ireland.. She should not, lu 5 moment A anger, east away her inheritance in the Empire.