20 NOVEMBER 1920, Page 20

Guide to Carlyle. By Augustus Ralli. (G. Allen and Unwin,

2 vols., 42s. net.)—Mr. Ralli evidently holds that Carlyle retains many followers. For them he has taken the trouble to analyze all C.arlyle's writings and to supply critical comments and a lengthy biography, together with a very full and useful index. The analysis of Frederick, for instance, fills a hundred and sixty pages. Now if one wanted to find, say, Carlyle's account of Kolin or his Shooting Niagara, Mr. Ralli's index and his analysis supply the exact reference very quickly. We are therefore grateful to him for his patient industry. The analyses are interspersed among the biographical and critical chapters, which are carefully written, and end with the reminder that Carlyle, for all his violence and pessimistic moods, preached a message of hope.