In any case, the Chinese are clearly playing for delay.
Their dreadful mistress is safe in Segan, and, in their judgment, China is suffering nothing. There are, it is true, little whirl- pools in its vast sea, but what do they matter ? 'There is not a sign that the Empress really will give way. She is appointing Manchu coadjutors to all the , " Chinese " Viceroys, she is collecting troops and treasure in Shensi, and her orders are obeyed from Pekin to Yunnan. The idea that "the Emperor" is going to Pekin is abandoned. At present, that is to say, the Empress-Regent of China, though nominally negotiating, is really defying exatt any reparation. Count you Waldersee, however, or his advisers, have hit upon a scheme which is either very clever or a futile dodge. This , is to isolate Segan by seizing the passes to the north.west and south-east, and so cutting off supplies. We fear the country. is too big, but if that'succeeds the Empress-Regent might be reduced to painful straits.