The Japanese And M. Delcasse's Proposal.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTAT0R:] Sin,—May I inquire what is "the control of the Japanese over Chinese artillery" which, according to your leading article in the Spectator of......
The Ameer Of Afghanistan.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR.'] SIR,—I wonder whether the " Agamemnon " of lEschylus was one of the books which were read to the Atneer Of Afghanistan as he lay in bed......
• Animal Instincts.
rro THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR."] Srn,—A case of animal intelligence, hearing on the question of the instinct of locality, connected with the squirrel, seems to me worth......
German Colonies.
[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] Sra,—In the Spectator of October 6th you observe, quoting from the National Review, that "eight millions of Germans depend on sea-borne......
The Longbow And The Musket.
[To THE EDITOR OP THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In his interesting article on Mr. Cockle's book in the Spectator of October 6th your reviewer endorses the opinion that the......