We Note With Pleasure That It Is Intended To Erect
a monument in memory of Sir Ralph Abercrombie and the victory of the British army at Alexandria. Subscrip- tions may be sent to the manager of the Bank of Egypt, either at the......
All Who Are Interested In The Problem Of National Defence,
aed in the part which might be taken in its solution by cyclist riflemen, should read General Manrice's most inter- ebting and valuable "Report on the Cycling Mancenvres in the......
It Was Announced On Wednesday That Lord Alverstone (sir...
Webster), the Master of the Rolls, had been ap- pointed Lord Chief Justice of England, and that the office of Master of the Rolls would be filled by Lord Justice A. L. Smith.......
In Tuesday's Issue Of The Pall Mall Gazette The Rome
corre- spondent of that journal records the experiments of the British mission sent out three months ago by the London School of Tropical Medicine to study malaria in the Cam-......
The Transvaal Concessions Commission, Which Is Now...
has elicited some very striking facts as to the part played by the Netherlands Railway Company during the war. The diary of Mr. Van Kretschmar, the managing director, which fell......
General Maurice's Principle Is, We Are Convinced, An...
sound one, and we congratulate him most heartily on his vigour and initiative in the matter. The cyclist rifleman must be an experienced cyclist who can also shoot, but must not......
The Result Of The Elections In Scotland Has Been That
of the 72 seats 36 are now held by Unionists. From an interesting mass of election figures published in Tuesday's Glasgow Herald, it appears that while between the dates 1832......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2i) were on Friday 99.......