It is possible that the Manchu dynasty may be threatened
from another quarter. It is reported that a leader, whom we bad better call Sun, has raised the standard of revolt' in Kwangtting and has taken several towns. He is supported, ' it is believed, by the great Triad societies who manned the Taeping rebellion, and is determined to set up a 'native Chinese Emperor. He orders his followers not to attack the - foreigner. If he succeeds at first he will call up most formidable forces, Southern China never having reconciled itself to the "barbarian" Mongol domination, and may so paralyse the Manchus that they may be eager to make peace with the foreigners, and even to implore their help." At present nothing is certain except that the Mandarins of Canton are frightened, but we note with regret that local Englishmen wish to repeat the General Gordon blunder and put these rebels down. Why not let them win ? They can by no possibility be worse than the Manchus, and if we are not going to govern China we have no business with- its internal revolutions. China will not split up, but we should lose nothing if she did.