WITH the returns declared on Tuesday the results of the General Election are complete but for Orkney and Shetland, where polling does not take place till next week. Taking it for granted that Sir Leonard Lyell will retain the seat for the Liberals, the new House is made up as follows :— Conservatives ...
Liberal Unionists
Liberals (including Labour Members) Nationalists ... 332) 5
... 187 1 82 401 269
Total ... ••• ••• ... 670 ---
Unionist majority The Unionist majority, though it falls short by 20 of that commanded by the Ministers in 1895, shows a net gain of 2, counting 4 on a division, on that available before the Dissolu- tion, and, with the exception of that of 1895, is the largest obtained by either party since 1832. The Government have received their marching orders. Let us trust they will prove capable of carrying them out in the spirit in which they were given.