Sza,—May I be allowed to make an appeal through your columns to owners of autograph letters of Horace Walpole Having undertaken to prepare for the Clarendon Press a new edition of "The Letters of Horace Walpole," I shall be greatly obliged if owners of original letters, whether already printed or not, would kindly communicate with me, in order that the new edition may be made as complete and correct as possible. Many of the letters as hitherto printed are either fragmentary or disfigured by misreadings, and it is desirable that they should be corrected by collation with the originals. Nearly two hundred letters which are not included in current editions have already been collected from various sources, and it is probable that there are many others in private hands which have not yet been traced. Any letters entrusted to me would be treated with scrupulous care, and returned to their owners as promptly as possible. To those who are unable to lend the originals, I should be grateful for careful copies. All obligations of this nature would, of course, be duly acknowledged in the preface. It is expected that the new edition, which will be provided with a full index, will be completed in ten or eleven octavo volumes.—I am, Sir, &c., HELEN TOYNBEE (Mrs. PAGET TOYNBEE).
Dorney Wood, Burnham, Bucks.