(Under this heading we notice such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.]
William Llandels, D.D. : a Memoir. By his son, Thomas D. Llandels, MA. (Cassell and Co. 6s.)—Dr. Llandels was for many years one of the best known Nonconformist ministers in London, preaching in what was once the Diorama, in Regent's Park. He belonged to what may be called the progressive school of the Baptists, and so differed not a little from another eminent representative person, J. A. Spurgeon. There was a serious difference between the two in the early years of Dr. Llandels's London ministry ; circumstances brought them together, and then the fundamental difference of opinion re- asserted itself when Spurgeon entered his protest against minis- terial concessions to modern thought. Dr. Llandels was a hard hitter, witness a letter quoted on p. 147, in which he deals a severe blow to the " Particular " wing of the Baptists. At another time the Evangelical clergy, who use the Baptismal Service while denying Baptismal regeneration, came under his lash. In 1883 he left London for Edinburgh, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying on July 7th, 1899.