The Communion in Dunfermline. By Robert Stevenson, M.A. (Romanes, Dunfermline.
2s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Stevenson has examined the Kirk Sessions] Registers of his parish, and put together from. their contents a volume of no small interest. One curious thing is the identity of practice in the matter of Communion under the Presbyterian and the Episcopalian regime. Under both the rule was to have great annual celebrations, though, indeed, even these did not always take place. In the twenty-two years of Presby- tery (1640-1661) there were six in which there was no Communion, 1613-44 and 1651-55; in the twenty-seven years of Episcopacy (1663-1689) twelve. The Archbishops vainly sought to have the rite at Easter ; but the ministers knew their people too well to venture on it. Mr. Stevenson has made a contribution of no small value to Scottish ecclesiastical history.