The Dutch papers are filled with accounts of the feasting
and entertainment of the Schuttery, or Militia, who have recently returned to their homes on leave of absence. Them is an outward show of rejoicing; but the able Brussels correspondent of the Morning Chronicle describes, we doubt not truly, the serious loSs and distress to which the obstinacy of their Monarch has exposed the most valuable portion of his subjects.
Now that these brave melt are restored to civil life, the evils produced by three years' estrangement from their ordinary callings stare one in the face. Many of these citizen-soldiers have found their family affairs nearly ruined ; and it will cost many years' exertion to restore them. Others have resolved to remain under arms, rather than return home; whilst others, on reaching their native place, have declared to the authorities their impossibility to obtain a livelihood. No one looks on the disbanding of these troops as a guarantee of peace, or entertains the slightest ray of hope that diplomacy has advanced in the Batavo-Belgic question, or that the wished-for arrangemants are soon likely to be concluded."
It is also said, that the States-General this year will positively refuse to sanction the payment of interest on the Belgian portion of the Debt.