20 SEPTEMBER 1834, page 12
Letters From Paris, By 0. P. Q. No Xxiv.
TIIE SPANISH FINANCES AND THE APPROACHING BANKRUPTCY. TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Paris, 16th September 1834. Stn—I am sick, actually sick, of the nauseating nonsense......
East India Shipping.
Arnica —At Gravesend, Sept. 15th, Satus, Criekmay., from the Cape; and 17th, Wa• tech a. Cow, from Bengal. Off Dartmouth, 17th, Robert Quayle. Bkmadale, nom Ceylon. Off......
Money Market.
STOCK EICRANOE, FRIDAY AFTRRN0ON. The Money Market has been firmer this week than for some time; and the price of Consols for Account has been as high as 90 ; 7 0 Exchequer......