Prosecutions Of The Press Form The Glorious Occupation Of...
French Ministers. The new editor of the National, M. Royals . , was this week found guilty of publishing an article tending to overthrow the existing Government. The tone and......
The Supply Of Gold Already Received In Lisbon, When The
last accounts, dated the Sth instant, were despatched, exceeded the amount required; and notices had been sent to Cadiz, Gibialtar, and other places where the Government agents......
The Hungarian Diet Is Urging Upon The Government Of Vienna
the necessity of Church Reform, and of a diminution of taxation. At intervals, we have accounts of grumbling and threats from Hungary and Transylvania ; but no important......
The King Of Naples Seems Rather Disposed To Play The
Liberal and give annoyance to his Austrian keepers. A National Guard has been formed, in which the flower of the young Neapolitan nobility, who are known to entertain the same......
A Supplement To The London Gazette Of Tuesday, Contains The
report of the military operations of a division of the Madras troops against the Rajah of Coorg, one of the few Indian prinees who had been suffered to retain their......
News Of The Week.
THE intelligence.from Spain becomes daily more interesting and important. It is not to be doubted that the Liberal party is gain- ing at least a temporary ascendancy; although......
The Dutch Papers Are Filled With Accounts Of The Feasting
and entertainment of the Schuttery, or Militia, who have recently returned to their homes on leave of absence. Them is an outward show of rejoicing; but the able Brussels......
Revolts, Fostered By Russian Intrigues, Have Broken Out...
Greek provinces of Arcadia and Messina; but great reliance is placed on the vigour of Count ARMANNSPERG, and their speedy suppression is expected.......