The supply of gold already received in Lisbon, when the
last accounts, dated the Sth instant, were despatched, exceeded the amount required; and notices had been sent to Cadiz, Gibialtar, and other places where the Government agents had accumulated supplies, that they will not be needed. Some foolish talkers re- proached SILVA CARVALHO, in the Portuguese Chamber of Deputies, with having contracted foreign loans instead of giving his own countrymen the benefit of the investment ; but the Minister silenced them by the information, that even after the' Liberating Army had entered Lisbon, he found it impossible to borrow 200,000/. from the merchants and -bankers of that city, and was therefore compelled to resort to other markets. The pro- ceedings in•the Chambers present scarcely a single topic of inte- rest. The correspondent of the Times reports that there are few good speakers among the members. The health of Don PEDRO is gradually improving. Ile goes out every day, but does not transact much business. His phy- sicians (of course) declare, that his complete recovery is certain.