The assembling of a great number of students in Turin
being con- sidered dangerous, the Minister of Public Instruction of Sardinia has issued a decree, declaring that the lectureson theology, law, and physic, shall be delivered in different provincial towns, and that the Univer- sity of Turin shall be closed for the year 1835. [A precious Govern- ment this of Turin, to be afraid of a parcel of boys !] The Italian journals begin ter complain that the consumption of beer is daily increasing in the wine countries. At Padua, there are three breweries fully employed : not only the men, but the women, appear to be very fond of this beverage ; which is dearer than wine. These journals say that this manner of using barley deserves serious conside- ration, The Hamburg correspondent announces, that on the 29th ult. Riga was enveloped on all sides in flames, which simultaneously burst forth in five surrounding forests. Fortunately, however, rain came down In torrents, by which the fire was extinguished.
On the 21st of August, at Cascaes, near Lisbon, a duel was fought between Lieutenants Frazer and Jeffrey, of Colonel Shaw's battalion. Jeffrey's-ball entered Frazer's forehead, and of course killed him on the spot. The survivor is a mere boy, not above eighteen years old.