20 SEPTEMBER 1834, Page 11



The Money Market has been firmer this week than for some time; and the price of Consols for Account has been as high as 90;70 Exchequer Bills have also improved; they are 41 42 premium. Money has become more abundant ; and in the early part of the weck was not in any demand : to-day, however, it is rather scarcer.

The proceedings of the Bank proprietors yesterday, at their half-yearly meeting, were net distinguished by any extraordinary circumstance; miless a

spirit of animosity against a rival establishment, the Loudon and Westminster Bank, can be considered a nov,lty. In the feuding evinced towards the new establishment, we rather believe that the proprietors only displayes1 the true spirit of monopolists. The transactions of the Foreign Market have been chiefly confined to Spanish and Nrtuguese Bonds. The purchases of Cortes Bonds have been very con- siderable; and the price on Wednesday was as high as 55, the highest point this Stock has reached since 1523. The operations alluded to have been principally undertaken in anticipation of the report of the Finance Ct llllllllllll appointed by the Cortes, and which had determined to recommend the total recognition of the Cortes Bonds, and the repudiation of the debts contracted by FERDINAND from 1323 to the period of his death. The propriety and justice of this latter proceeding is of' course very much discussed; and, as is usual in all these cases, the sympathy is entirely with the rich—the hollers of thecae Securities ; and not a little ingenuity has been used in depicting the hardships to which this mama,: will reduce them. But it should be remembered, that these loans are tainted in their very outset ; one portion of them, the Royal Spanish, or GuEIMAILD'S Loan, was in fact illegally contracted, during the existence of the Constitutional Government, on the sole personal responsibility of FERDIN AND ; and its 1/10. cceds were employed in the equipment of the Army of the Faith, the existence of which was made the pretext for the invasion of Spain by the French forces in I8'23. The others, the 3 per Cent. Loans, which have arisen uu t of the overthrow of the Constitutional Government of Spain, by foreign force' have been the sole


personal acts of FEINAND; and the holders of these vitiated Securities cannot expect, even if recognized at all, that their claims can be admitted at any thing like their full nominal value.

From the very great difficulty that has recently been experienced by the spe- culators in carrying over their accounts on the settling-day, it was anticipated that the arrangement of the Account for the 16th instant would have been attended with the usual pressure for money ; but the quantity of Spanish Stock taken was much greater than ortnnary ; and at one time during the day the jabbers had great difficulty in meeting the demand for immediate delivery. The high prices of the last few slays have induced several sales, and the market is now again completely :abated with Stock.

The Portuguese Emporia have been operated upon by the various reports whirls have been current as to the health of Don Ptuitu; rising with every report of his convalescence, and falling at every whisper of a relapse.. The price has been as high as 621, and since at.80; closing this afternoon at SO; Sonic considerable purchases have occurred in Columbian Bonds, in anticipa- tion of the recognition of the South American Republics by the Spanish Cortes. The price has been at ; but has since declined, and is now 3I ;II 32. With the exception of an improvement in Brazilian Bonds, the transactions in the other Foreign Stocks do not present any thing worthy of remark.


Spanish Stock is rather louver this morning i a disposition to realize twenis general among the speculators; the price has therefore declined, and is at pre- sent iszai he Continental Stocks are generally at yesterday's prima. Cu- lumbian Bonds are still in dentand at 32b to 33.


Spanish Stock has been as low as 52k. In the course of the afternoon, a ip- pon has been current that Don CAni.os has been taken prisoner by a party eC

Rennes troops, and abut immediately. We . Melimed to put ;lie lea 3 per Cent. Consols Ditto for Account New 31 per Cent. Annuities Bank Stock India Stock .

Exchequer Bills Belgian 5 per Cents Brazilian 5 pet Cents Danish 3 per Ceuta ..

901 i

904 4 99 — 41 42 991 100 79 i 7511 l• Dutch 21 per Cents.

French 3 r Cents pe Greek, 1833. 5 per Cents Mexican 6 per Cents.

Portuguese 5 per Cents Do. Regency Scrip. 5 per Cent Prussian,18113, 5 per Cent Russian, 1822, 5 per Cent Spanish, 1821. 5 per Cent.. , 511 1

— 42 a

801 811 — 1041 I 5213}