Mr. Cobbett made his public entry into Dublin on Thursday,
about noon. Two o'clock was the hour appointed. Whatever might have been the cause, it is a fact that the procession which accompanied Mr. Cobbett was a very sorry exhibition, having neither respectability of appearance, nor even numerical display, such as might be expected. If the ceremony had taken place on Sunday last, I have no doubt that there would have been an immense attendance ; but the exhibition to- day was a total failure. Mr. Cobbett entered the town in the carriage of Sir George Cockburn, accompanied by that gallant General and Mr. Finn, M. P. for the county of Kilkenny. As soon as the procession—which displayed neither flags nor ribbons of any kind, and was conducted in an orderly manner—bad reached Dodd's auction-mart, the address prepared for the occasion was read by Mr. M‘Neven. Mr. Cobbett's answer was a fair, temperate, and sensible advertence to the condition of Ireland. He expressed his con- viction that the present Ministry were honestly disposed towards Ire- land,—to redress her grievances and remove just causes of complaint. The English people, who, after all, eventually decided every great question, were, he observed, great lovers of abstract justice; they en- tertained kindly feelings towards Irishmen ; and he, who knew them well and had some influence amongst them, was convinc(d that they never would consent that a system of injustice should continue to pre- vail regarding this country.
Mr. Cobbett's reception was enthusiastic amongst the crowd. After reading his answer, he proceeded to address the people assembled in the street, telling them to support their Representatives by petition. Neither in the answer, nor the short speech of Mr. Cobbett subse- quently, was there a word of allusion to the repeal of the Union. I have heard that Mr. Cobbett intends shortly to proceed to Dcrri- nane Abbey, on the invitation of Mr. O'Connell, who hills a brace of hares daily on the mountains overlooking his romantic dwelling.—Cor- respondent of the Globe.