The Theatrical commanders are mustering their forces preparatori to the
commencement of the winter campaign. The "dashing white Sergeant," YES-tins, takes the field with her light troops, under the same leaders as last season ; and undraws the folds of her Olympic Pavilion on Monday the 29th. YATES opens the trenches of the Adelphi on the same day. He has enlarged his camp considerably ; and we hope he has also provided better for the reception of the numerous besiegers that fill the parallels before the curtain. His stuff consists of the same veterans who have gained such repeated victories over the legion of Blue Devils. His stage sappers and miners have been actively employed, under skilful engineers, in preparing surprises of such a nature, that it is confidently expected that the assailants, however strung their forces, will never get beyond the horn-work of the orchestra. The combined armies of Drury Lane and Covent Garden, under Manager BUNN, have been marshalled byhis Lieutenants, BARTLEY and COOPER. The Drury Lane forces will first take up their position, and disclose their line of battle on Saturday the 27th. Nothing is as yet known of the plan of the campaign, all the operations being kept secret ; but the corps of tragedians is evidently not destined for very active service, since VANDENtIOST is named as their leader, rice MACREADY. GLOSSOP has resumed the command of the Victoria troops, retaining ABBOTT and ELTON as his aides-de-camp; and opens on the 29th, with an accession of force. He has revived the successful manceuvre of a former season —the glass curtain ; which, while it conceals the operations on the stage, reflects the slightest movement of the opposite forces.