Lord Holland is indisposed at Holland House, Kensington.— Courier.
Poor Lord HOLLAND! he is almost constantly indisposed. It is a marvel how the important concerns of the Dutchy of Lan- caster are managed during the illness of the Chancellor. To be sure, much ought not to be expected from his Lordship, who only receives 35631. per annum from his Dutchy. Seriously though, is it not indecent in Lord HOLLAND to retain his sinecure? He seems to be the most useless fixture in the Cabinet. There is no evidence that since lie has been in place he has rendered the country the slightest service. We once were under the im- pression that he might be depended upon as a stanch Liberal—a worthy kinsman of CHARLES Fox. But that is worn off: for he never opens his lips in the House of Lords, where his party are so weak; and we do not hear that he ever offered the least resistance to the unpopular measures of the last Cabinet.