20 SEPTEMBER 1834, Page 15

The French Government has just decided on the appropriation of

1,500,000f. fur works in the Place de la Concorde and the Champs Elysees, which will be proceeded with to the amount of 300,000f. annually till they are completed. There will be a great basin with an elegant fountain in each of the four squares of the Place ; and six fountains in different parts of the Champs Elysees, where handsome buildings will be erected for dances, concerts, exhibitions, and other establishments: such as coffee. houses, eating-houses, and reading-rooms. These buildings will be, for a term of years, conceded, to individuals who will undertake their erection conformably to the plans and condi- tions which shall have been previously decided on by the city of Paris. All the paltry buildings which now exist in the Champs Elysees are to be demolished, but not a tree is to be cut down. The works will be begun in the spring of 1835. The quays recently enlarged, from the Pont Neuf to the Place de Gri:ve, are to be continued in the same pro- portions to the Pont de la Tournelles. The latter to be completed in 1835. The fine tower of St. Jacques-de-Ia. Boucherie is about to be purchased of its present proprietor. The surrounding buildings are to be taken down, and a fountain erected in the place that will be thus formed.

A suspension-bridge of gigantic dimensions is in progress on the Sarine, not far from Friburg. Its length is 903 feet, its breadth 22, and its height above the bed of the river 163. At a di,tance it re- sembles a large cord destined for gymnastic exercises. This bridge, it is stated, surpasses every thing of kind hitherto erected. Its aspect is in admirable harmony with the singularly picturesque spots of the town of Fliburg, which seems to have been built on the pinnacles of rocks. The utility of the undettaking may be estimated from the fact, that a walk from the bead of the bridge to the market-place requires at least three-quarters of an hour, whereas the point may be gained in five mitanes across the bridge.—Fratch Paper.