The Naval Officer's Guide, by C. MARTELLI, late Mate of
his Majesty's ship Donegal, is published, as the author states in a very modest preface, with the view of giving the youngsters in the service an opportunity of gaining a thorough knowledge of their profession, without the necessity of asking questions, from doing which " they are prevented by the dread of being quizzed for want of nautical information." We were not aware that the "young gentlemen" of the British Navy were so particularly bashful ; and we rather think this information will be new to some old officers,—although Mr. MARTELLI, having been for twenty long years an inmate of their " berth," ought to be sufficiently. aware of the habits and propensities of the " rising hopes of England. At all events, so far as rigging a vessel is concerned,' he has furnished them with most ample practical instruction;