A general Court-martial was held at the Barracks in Birmingham
last week, to inquire into charges against three privates of the Twelfth Lancers,—named William Davis, Michael Brennan, and Peter Doyle. The Court opened on Tuesday, under the presidency of Lieutenant- Colonel Maddox, of the Enniskillen Dragoons, and continued from day to day 'until Friday evening, when the proceedings terminated. Against Davis there were three charges,—for being intoxicated on parade ; for insubordinate conduct, anti using insulting language towards Captain Pole, his commanding officer; and for resisting and striking the guard when ordered into cunfinemsnt. Against Brennan there were two churges,—for making use of abusive language towards Sergeant 3Iarr ; and for striking him while in the execution of his duty. The charges against Doyle. were—for breaking out of the barracks when confined ; for striking James Benton, of the same regiment, while endeavouring to apprehend him ; and for disobeying Corporal Nicholls and resisting the guard. Witnesses were examined for and against the prisoners; all of whom were found guilty of the charges. Doyle admitted all the allegations against him, except the striking ; which was, however, proved ; and he then. threw himself on the mercy of the Court. The sentences will not, of course, be promulgated until the pleasure of his Majesty is taken upon them. The Court was open to the public during the proceedings.
Another Court-martial has been sitting at the Cambridge Barracks, Portsmouth, of which Colonel Forster, Royal Artillery, is President, - and Colonel Gurvvood, Judge Advocate, for the trial of — Hunter, a private of the Rifle Brigade, for having made a stab at Captain Groves, of that regiment. It appears that the man was intoxicated in the streets of Guernsey, and with his bayonet drawn was offering vio- lence to the inhabitants. Captain Groves, who was on his return from a water-party, desired the man to desist, and go to the Barracks, it being after tattoo. But being under the influence of liquor, he refused to do so, though he said he knew Captain Groves was his officer ; arid attempted to stab him. A petiole from the barracks knocked him down, and secured him while he was scuffling firth the civilians and Captain Groves. The sentence is not known.—Hampshire Telegraph.
A Court-martial is ordered to assemble at Plymouth, to try Mr. John Christie, Mr. William Crawford, and Mr. Charles Smith, of the Dublin.