The Leeds Tories have sent in objections to no fewer
than fifteen hundred Liberal votes. The Revising Barrister is likely to have his hands full, as the Liberals mean to annoy their opponents the same ways
A deputation of twenty most respectable inhabitants of Bury St. Elmund's attended at the residence of Mr. Francis King Eagle, Larrister-at-law, on the 1 lth instant, to present him with a massive and elegant silver salver, for his public services, and more particularly for his endeavours to effect a better distribution of tic public tharities of the town.
The Church party in Wakefield have succeeded in getting a nine. penny rate for the ensuing year. The Dissenters proposed a three- penny rate ; but, after four days' polling, were defeated, by a majority of 864 to 694. Many Dissenters, however, voted for the larger rate.
A ship is now discharging in our docks a cargo of pitch pine timber, which she took Onboard in the United States, and carried to Halifax to avoid the extravagant duty on foreign timber imported direct ; the farce of her calling with it at a Colonial port entitling the importer to enter it here as Colonial timber. By this operation the Exchequer loses about 15001.—Hull Rockingham The preparations for the approaching Festival at are in a very forward state. Several families of distinction have already secured accommodations for the week. Numerous inquiries having been made as to the regulations regarding costume at the Fancy Dress Ball, the Stewards have decided that admission shall not he confined to fancy dresses, though they are desirous that all who can with con- venience adopt them will do so.—Birmingham Advertiser.
The Berkshire Musical Festival is postponed till next year.
The Brighton Gazette states, that some sensation has been caused in that town by the dismissal and apprehension of the Assistant- Overseer and the Clerk to the Directors and Guardians of the l'oor. Several investigations have been held, at which evidence was adduced to show irregularity in their accounts ; and the parties were apprehended, but have since been held to bail.
On Tuesday week, the workmen of the Plymouth Dock-yard waited, by appointment, on the Lords of the Admiralty, to present their peti. tion for a general increase of wages, and an alteration in the present classification of the workmen, which tended rather to depress than stimulate, and a remuneration in money, instead of time, for extra work. Their Lordships gave them a very cordial reception and atten. tive hearing; but made no positive declaration of assent. They said they were very desirous to do justice to the workmen, but they had to look to the country ; for if they were to grant more wages, they must ask for a larger Supply, which they would be reluctant to do.— Plymouth Journal.
The recent accident by fire to the Defiance, Exeter coach, turns out to have been of a much more serious and perilous nature titan was at first represented. It seems that, on the occasion in question, a pas- senger, when near Basingstoke, dropped the tinder with which he had lighted a cigar, into the boot ; in consequence of which the parcels became ignited, and goods to the amount of 401. were either destroyed or rendered useless. After the fire was supposed to have been extin- guished, the parcels were replaced in the boot; and not until the coach ha4 proceeded two stages further on its journey, did one of the pas- sengers recollect that in his hat-box were two pounds of gunpowder! The coachman again stopped ; and on reexamining the parcels, found that the fire was not totally extinguished, but that in a short time the powder would have exploded and blown up the coach !—Herald.
The number of all persons who have been lost or destroyed by choke-damp and fire-damp in mines and collieries in the county of Lan- caster, so far as the same can be ascertained by the Clerk of the Peace, from returns made by the Coroners since the year 1810, is 135.
Garside and Moseley, the murderers of Mr. Ashton, now in Chester gaol, have been again respited to the 18th of October. It is very un- certain whether the execution will take place then, as it is supposed that an act of Parliament will be necessary to declare whose duty it is to provide the hangman.