In good time on Monday, Earl Grey left Oxenford, accompanied
by Lady Grey, Sir John Dalrymple, and other friends, and proceeded on his way to Edinburgh. lie was stopped at Dalkeith, by a numerous procession of the inhabitants, and escorted to the market- place ; where a stage had been erected, upon which Earl Grey took his station, to receive an address presented by Mr. Gray, of the National Bank branch at Dalkeith. Mr. Gray delivered a speech, which was by no means of a commonplace description ; as may be seen from the concluding sen- tences, which we subjoin-
- My Lord, we see in the measure of Reform which your Lordship planned, and car- ried forward to a triumphant consummation, a recr.,nitiou of principles which we appre. date for their own sakes, while it is chiefly in the fruits and cousequenres of that measure which we exult ; but as a short summary of these is contained in our address, I must deuy myself the pleasure of now uttempting, which is all that I could do, to enumerate them ; yet, permit me to say, in reference, to one of them, that the blessings of many who were ready to perish by reason of a murderous bondage which they were lying under, shall return and rest upon y oar Lordship's head, and upon all who aided you iu abolishing slavery in our Colonies. My Lord, your course of action has been characterized by wisdom, integrity, and straightlenvardness; and it has pleased the Almighty to second your efforts, and thereby to constitute you a benefactor to your country and your kind. lily Lord, permit me to say, that by the light of prophetic revelation, contained in the took which hears the signature and the seal of I leaven, we are privileged will, an rxtenshe droi.pect into the future state of the nations of the world ; and to prtAtuee the ti oral anti social loveliuess with which we are enchanted in this long vista, we hods' that the Covello r of these nations has been preparing tits adaptation of Britain as an instrument, and that chiefly by the Reform which lie has enabled you to achieve."
An address from Musselburgh was then presented ; and Earl Grey having spoken in reply, and partaken of some refreshment, took his departure.
Between nine and ten in the morning, the various Trades in Edin- burgh had begun to assemble in the great London road at the head of Leith Walk. They all marched in procession to the piece of rendez- vous with their banners and music playing, and were soon joined by the Leith Trades. The scene was most gay and animating. The weather was remarkably fine, and the streets thronged with delighted and eager actors and spectators of the show. The Edinburgh papers say that the crowd was as great as at George the Fourth's visit. The pro- cession marched to the Lord Provost's house at Newington, where they waited the approach of Earl Grey. About half-past twelve, a body of fifty horsemen, gentlemen, farmers, and others, who had gone out to meet the party, were seen galloping towards them. Earl Grey soon appeared in a carriage and four, with Sir John Dalrymple; a train of carriages following him. After staying a short time at the Lord Provost's, the whole procession and cavalcade Moved forward. As they entered the city, it was found that the streets were lined, and every window and roof was crowded, with cheering spectators. The shops were all _closed, and the day seemed to be entirely devoted to rejoicing. The Earl at once drove to the Waterloo Hotel ; where it had been arranged that the freedom of the city aed the various ad- dresses, should be presented. The scene is described as being strikingly animated and magnificent. Waterloo Place and Prince's Street were thronged with the procession and its attendant gazers. The Calton Hill, which rises abruptly at the termination of Waterloo Place, and overlooks the city, presented one close cluster of human beings. As soon as Earl Grey appeared at the windows of the hotel, he was greeted with waving of handkerchiefs and flags and animating cheers from the assembled thousands.
The freedom of the city was presented by the Lord Provost (Spitall), in a superb gold box. The Magistrates and deputations from the towns in Scotland also presented their addresses—upwards of severity. Earl they xvas much affected; but replied with his usual force and felicity of language. He then retired for a short time. By great exertions, the temporary building on the Calton IIill was completed in time for the dinner ; and the fortunate possessors of white tickets were admitted early in the afternoon, by sections of thirty each, tinder the command of stewards, who were sixty in number ; and the place of each of whom at the dinner-tables, with his accompanying section, was determined by lot. About four hundred, who had put- chased the last tickets sold, of a Indreolour, were disposed of during dinner in rooms belonging to the High School, but admitted, before the toasts and oratory commenced, into the grand apartment. " The external 'aspect of this structure (says the Edinburgh Maly Journal) had nothing to recommend it; but its interior bespoke a union of genius, activity, and, in oue word, power in our capital, which tilled all who entered it with surprise and pleasure. It is in length 113 by 101 feet. The roof is supported by sixteen pillars. The four centre columns that, support the cupola ( whirl 1'11116 to the height of 33 feet from the Boor), are strong, and well calculated to give stability to the fabric. The side-walls are about 18 feet high. The centre area is level ; and the seats rise gradually about three feet,— affording to every individual a complete and commanding view of the whole interior,—at least of the interesting part of it. The roof slopes up to the cupola; ; and the pillars which support the rest of the roof are about 25 feet in height. Over the chair, the arms of Earl Grey are painted, and on the other end of the roof the royal arms of Scotland. In the right hand compartment are the arms of the city of Edinburgh, and on the left those of the city of Glasgow ; on the ceiling (the level part), St. Andrew's cro,s and shield at each angle, with the sword and sceptre crossed, and the Scottish crown, Behind the chair was a chaplet of laurel. The shafts of the columns are of porphyry colour, entwined with a spiral wreath of laurel in gold. The platforms at each end are raised about three feet above the floor ; and behind the Croupier's chair the gallery for the ladies was placed, so as to afford a commanding view of the whole area ; the corner of it was railed off for the instrumental band. The lights were supplied by the great chandelier from the Theatre Royal, in the centre ; and at each of the four angles were immense crystal lustres ; the whole affording a blaze of light equal nearly to that of 2000 wax candles."
By half-past five, all the tables except those of the Chairman and Croupier were filled; and there was a little disorder in consequence of the eagerness with which some of the guests prematurely attacked the good things before them. There was, in fact, a most disgraceful clatter of knives and forks, amidst' laughter and cries of " Shame !" At length one of the stewards prevailed upon the too hungry patriots to stay further mastication till Earl Grey's arrival.
Soon after six, the great folks made their appearance ; and the Reverend Henry Grey was with difficulty squeezed in to say grace. The dinner, which was cold, was soon despatched ; the cloth was removed; the company from the School-rooms were admitted, and the ladies entered their gallery. When Lady Grey appeared, she was rapturously cheered. There were 2768 persons in the room, including 290 ladies. The business of the evening now commenced, the Earl of Roseberryacting as Chairman in the place of the Duke of Hamilton, who became very suddenly indisposed, and the Lord Advocate Murray as Croupier. The principal guests were, besides Earl Grey, Lord Brougham, Sir John Hobhouse, Mr. Ellice, Mr. Abercromby, the Earl of Durham, the Marquis of Breadalbane, Lords Errol, Lynedoch, Elphinstone, Stair, Dinorben, Belhaven, Strathmore, Camperdown, Kintore, Buchan, Torphichen, Dalmeny, Sir Thomas Brisbane, Mr Ferguson of Raith, Mr. Hallyburton, Sir John Maxwell, Mr. Banner- man, Mr. George Wilbraham, Sir Charles Lemon, Professor Sedg- wick, Mr. E. Petre, Sir John Campbell, Sir John Dalrymple, Mr. Cutler Fergusson, Professor Awe, and Count Flahault. The usual loyal toasts were given. The company all stood tip to sing " God save the King ;" the effect of which was very striking. Lord Roseberry, in a brief and appropriate speech, then proposed the health of Earl Grey. After the burst of applause was over, Earl Grey rose to address the assembly. He spoke with much dignity and feeling. In reference to the meeting he said... Mt noble Mend the Chairman has stated to you that this meeting is unparalleled : I believe there is nu example of any thin of the kind, when I consider the occasion 'deli had produced this assemblage, the numerous and intelligent persons of whom it is cemposed, and the place where it is held-the metropolis of the aucient kingdom of esseland, no less famed fur its genuine) love of liberty, thau for its general intelligence, for its caltb ninon of the arts of peace. for its distinction in literature and in science. and above all, for that sober, calm, and reflective sense. which, without abating or coil- ing the energies of popular feeling, directs it in its legitimate course, by peaceable means, to the attainmeut of useful and legitimate objects. . . . Gentlemen, there is another refiectiou, personally atliating me. which presents itself, and which is perhaps to me the most gratifying of all. This honour is out paid to a Minister newly raised to power, in the vigour of his age, with a lung career of active and useful service wars him, and hailed as the expected author of benefits not yet accomplished : it is paid to one who has descended-i alit but say who has fallen-from power-Una/ware thecring)7 to one whose official life has ended, and whose long Parliamentary career is hastening to its final close-(Cheers, and cries of " lie hope not l')-when Um balance has been struck between his promises and his performance-when the past is before his country for its judgment, and when the future, so far as he is concerned, presents no objects either for hope or fear. Gentlemen, surely I may be allowed to indulge a just and reasonable pride-approaching. I trust, in no degree to any improper feeling of vanity or presumption-when I find myselr• upon an occasion Lke the present, in an assembly such as I see before me, pronounced here to have deserved well of my country." (Great cheering, and cries of " You hare!")
He then referred to the necessity of Reform, and the change effected by it in Scotland.
Iu England, though with defects which required correction. and for the correction of which the public called in a voice that could not be misunderstood or resisted-in England. I say, though with defects that required correction, still there was a refire- sentatiou iu some degree popular. and not altogether inaccessible to the influence of public opinion : but in Scotland the ;same of a representation nes a mockery and an insult. The representation that had existed in Scotland was no real r 'presentation ; it had no connexion with popular influence or ()Miami : and the periodical- electious that then took place, though they were pretended to be au exercise on the part of the People of their rights and Influence, were in substance and effect an utter denial of their nights, enjoyed to no useful purpose, and imparting none of that influence to the popular branch of the community which was so essentially necessary for the purposes of good government or representation. If, gentlemen, by any efforts of mine, begun at an catty period of my life.-.-snspended when I saw no hope of success, and w hen by pressing them I thought I might rather injure the cause of Reform-if, gentlemen, I have been at last the humble instrument in the hands of Providence, and supported first by the confidence of a gracious Sovereign, to t hula the People owe a debt of gratitude which they never can pay, but by that general tribute of affectionate loyalty to which he is so fully entitled,-if, I say, I was enabled first by the eoulidence of a gracious Prince, and next by the support of a great People, to acsoniplish the attainment of that cause, I desire that no better remembrance of one should descend to posterity, and that no better inscription should be engraved on my tomb, than that I assisted in restoring to the People of Euglaud and Scotland the fair and just exercise of the it rights in the election of their Representatives. In no part of the kingdom was that support, which enabled me to carry that great work through, more effectually or cordially given than in Scotlawl ; and in no part of Scotland a as there greater firmness, zeal, and moderation, more beneficially and usefully exerted
than in the city in which we are now assembled." •
He trusted that the irritation of party-spirit, produced on both sides by the excitement of a great contest, would soon subside, and that the good sense and right feeling of all classes would concur in the neces- sity of removing abuses in Church and State.
" That is a hope (Earl Grey continued) that I will cherish, notwithstanding many things that hate passed of late-notwithstanding the frantic declarations that we have recently heard made, not only on the other side of the Irish Channel, but even in lick country, from men who would drive us to a destructive and fatal conflict-from men 'who know not what they do'-from men who do not see that even a temporary success on their part (a thing that would be utterly impossible) would not fail to entail conse- quences ultimately fatal both to themselves alai to the Constitution. Ou what hope is this desperate cuuraga, if courage it erns be called, founded? I am told that a reaction has taken place. (A laugh.) It is pretended by those persons that a change is at hand; and indeed many of them will tell pat that such a change has already taken place in the public opinion-that those who had engaged in the cause of Reform see rea:tin now to repent their error, that they have renouuci d their former opinions, and that they are nadv to regret those reforms which have :thew ly occurred. (Much laughter.) ' near. t ioui ' Vain and deluded men ! In what, let me ask, is it that they see symptoms of mete a state of things ? Is it in the approbation which has followed nie, and which has been so generously extended to me by my countrymen since my retirement (tom office ? Is it to tie timed in those axpressions of regard and attachment which I have met with to every step on my way to this place? Is it to be Spend, lastly, in the meeting of this day, w tech, whatever the vain imaginations of some men may suggest to them as to a pr,aelultal reaction in the public mind, would never have taken place if it was out the re,ult of a general feeling in favour of Reform ? No, gentlemen; of the good sense and moderation of the People of England and of S:otlaud-of their attachment to a King ho so well deserves all their love-of their sincere conviction of the wholesomeuess or that form of government, the work of a thousand years, by which a larger share of liberty is now secured to them than was ever known by any other station in the world -of a pea 'cable and orderly disposition amongst the people-of all these things we may find symptoms enough everywhere evident to all, except to those persons tr whom I have been alluding. and who are not, or will not be coevinced of au, thing that runs minter to their prejudices; but of a ' reaction '-of the advent of that Millennium so ardently desired by them-of the restoration of that happy state of things when currup- ron flourished, and when liberty was oppressed-of a reaction of that nature, I am sure that if those persons w ill look at any part of the winery. andtake any meeting. great en small, as a sample, they will find-no symptoms that any rational man would regard a: a proof of a reaction in the public mind."
Earl Grey concluded his speech, which was most enthusiastically cheered throughout, by proposing as a toast, " The new Constituency of Scotland."
Lord Roseberry then gave " The Lord Chancellor and his Majesty's Ministers."
Lord Brougham, Sir John Hobhouse, and Mr. Ellice, stood up ; but Lord Brougham only spoke to the toast. He commenced as usual, by saying- •' I am sure that I shall best express my own feelings in beginning to address you by repeating what my noble friend prefaced his speech with,-namely, that I do not use a commons please, when I tell you that I want words to express the feelings with which your kind reception overpowers me at the present moment. I kuuw,however,-aud that consideration may well stifle within me any feeling of personal pride or arrogance on this occasion,-I kr.ovi. that I owe this expression from you, not so much by any man- n:nor means to any personal merits of my own, as to the accidental circumstance-but to ate the must honourable eircuinstauce-of my.haviog the pride and gratification to serve that gracious Prince wino lives in the hearts of his people-who fur all his services to his country-for his honest. straightforward, undeviating. unflinching patronage of the best rights and interests of the country, has well earneil that unparalleled praise laltowed so justly and without any exaggeration on that Monarch by my noble friend in the chair,-namely, that none other of his predecessors has eo well deserved the at's fation and gratitmle of his subjects."
He alluded to the Edinburgh dinner of 1825—
*1 have not had before the present occasion the 'satisfaction of appearing before fellow-citizens of Edinburgh, since I had the honour of being clothed witlit he attributes ()tuition. I have before met you iu great numbers on an occasion when liberal men were cot in elevated stations. From the heights of the State no encouraging smiles of Royal favour were half so discernible, as were the frowns, the perennial frowns, under whose Mortify inn. but harmless shade we then persevered in our exertions for the People, and fisurisharnotwithstauding : and I ferniest you of this, gentlemen, iu order to satisfy thorn who may look with an eye of envy on the numbers of this mectina, and who may attribute them to the favour which men in office now show to the principles which loa profess. I remind you, I say, for their satisfaction, of that occasion), when no sash misconstruction could be put upon your motives, celebrated as our meeting then 51S LIM'r the shade of oppantarn to those principles which you are now exulting in the triumph of; in the sunshine of success, and under the patronage of power. What I then said to sou, when out of office. and with little prospect then of ever being iu office, 1 am proud to iepeat to you now, when nine years have passed away, of winch t have served four in office. • My fellow-citizens of Edinburgh, these Itanas nre pure.' ((Each cheering.) lu taking office, in leading office, in retaining office. I hate seed- deed nu feeling of a public nature : I have deserted no friend, 1 have abandoned no priuciple, I have forfeited no pledge, I have dune no job ; 1 have promoted no un- worthy man, to the best of my knowledge; I have stood iu the way of no man's fair claim to protnotiou; I have not abused the ear of my Royal Master, I have not de- ceit ed or deserted the People ; and because I am one of those Ministers-my noble friend near me is another-who never feared the People, I rejoice. and glory, and exult. and am beyond all measure delighted at every opportunity of meeting t he People, to give aitaccouut to them of my stewardship, and to tell them face to face what I think. even when I think differently from them.'
The proceedings of the last, and more especially the previous session
of Parliament, and the impossibility of performing great benefits to the country, and still having the sante things to do which had been already done, were then enlarged upon by Lord Brougham, in his usual fashion. lie reproved the hasty zeal and want of deliberation of the over ardent
We shall go on, however, in our course, heedless of the attacks of these hasty spirits; for they come from men of much houesty, of hasty zeal, but of no reflection at all. They would travel to the object which t hey have in view ; but they are in such a hurry to get at the goal three suiuutes before me, that they will not wait to we whether the linchpin is in the wheel. They would burly their vessel into the wished-tor harbour by the nearest, and not by the regularly-frequented channel ; but they do not inquire whether there is a compass on board. and. so they run their vessel into the breakers. They raise a seaffuld. they Mal n house, they rear a massive pile; all they care fur is the look and appearance of the edifice, and they du not stop to see whether there are partitions for rooms to live in ; they will not use the plummet and the lice; and therefore it is pos- sible that the first story may tumble some flue morning about their ears. I wholly respect the good hitentions of these men ; I acquit them entirely of all blame of that description; I make to them my most respectful obeisance : but when they ask me to get into their carriage, I must decline to accompany them-when they ask me to sail in their vessel, I must insist on staying on shore-wheu they ask me to enter into any building of theirs, 1 shall not only not enter, but shall also stand at it respectful dis- tance from it, for fear it should make an experiment which I do out wish to see tried either on their heads or mine, I mean an experiment as to the relative resistance. of the two bodies, These. theta are not wise counsellors to listen to-these are nut safe guides to follow-these are not fair judges on the merits of any British statesman. 1 would gu on more deliberately than titey would-I would have my vessel more really and better provided for its voyage --I would use the plummet and the square. I would build according to rule and compass, and I would not run up that sort ut edifice which at best can never be more than a shell, if it does not tumble even whilst building about their heads; :Ind I would go safely and surely to work, until I hail provided every thiug that wits necessary to enable me to Isitild with safety."
The Obstructives were next the subject of Lord Brougham's anima& version. He agreed with the impatient Reformers as to the direction of his course, and merely differed with them as to the rate of travelling; but, he continued,
"'!'here are others, with whom I differ even as to direction. They would travel to the south, when I would go north. With them I have an irreconcilable, if I may not even say a radical difference. Those men are the most unsafe guides of all; for in point of fact they lead nowhere. Though they are nut tin:finally to improvement, the improvement which they would accomplish is so far off. that neither their eyes nor the eyes of their children can ever hope to see it. Reform, indeed, is always on their lips; but, as was once said at a meeting in this town, their verb lie.:orm assumes a shape unknown to the grammarians, for it is ail imperfect verb which has only got a future- tense. They say that all things ought to be done gradually and slowly ; and to make sure of it, they move in such a way and at such a pace that even the minutest eye can- not discern that they change place at all. There is one kind of movement, however, which they do not dislike any how. They are ready to move into mi,chief, and to ad- vance-backwards : and I never heard with greater surprise in my life the statement— for I have not seen the newspaper myself-that language of the most frightful, and I may say the most incredible kiwi. hers been used by those who call themselves the friends of order. the haters of iinarchy, the abhorrers of change, and who cry out Revo- lution when any bill is 'Introduced into Parliament to correct any abuse however flagrant, and however generally recognized These men, who seem so anxious to testily their abhorrence of change. ihcir hatred of anarchy, and their love or order, only testify their lust of power and pelf,-that power and that pelf which the faction has already lost in Ireluild, and which its brethren in England will not be satisfied until they have made a bloodthirsty attempt to regain. The power thy mean is the power of misgoverning the King's sal jests for their owu profit."
lie concluded, by utterly' denying the assertion that there is a reaction against Reform, and pledging himself and the Ministry to deliberate and cautious conduct.
The heaths of the "Marquis of Breadalbane and the Liberal Peers of Scotland" having been given, Lord Breadalbane said, that he had only to regret they were so few in number.
In fact, that room, with a few exceptions, contained tile whole of teem. De looked
forward, however, to better things. Would it believed, that of the sixteeu {tepee- seutative Peers of Scotland, may one (Lord Elphiustone) was present there that day? Ile was happy, however, to see many Scotch Peers who sat iu the House of British Peers were there.
Countess Grey's health was drunk. Earl Grey returned thanks, and proposed the heaith of Sir John Dalrymple. Sir John briefly acknow.. ledged the honour. The Lord Advocate gave " The Earl of Durham and the Reformers _ of England."
Amidst the loud and long-continued cheering which burst from the , assembly at this announcement, Lord Durham came forward ; and after ' :- alluding to the honour done to Earl Grey as an individual, by the noble it tribute of gratitude and admiration offered him by the meeting, he went f
on to say— • g
- nut highly as I estimate this great act of national justice rendered to in illustrious..
statesman-much as my feelings have been excited by my near connexion with him, I - st II agree iu thinking that this meeting is more valuable to us all on public grounds., I Ilea often have we been told by our Tory opponents-for you must allow me to use an ,,
expression which they are ashamed of, and have therefore dropped-how often have we 6: been told by our Tory opponents. that the spirit of Reform was dying away ; that liberal fecliugs were no Winger predonduaut ; and that the day was fast approaching e
when the People of England would return like repentant sinners to their Tory homes c to be received with forgiveness by their Tory masters. Do the proceedings of to day s indicate any such absurd and wanton abandonment of your hardly-won and inestimable privileges? No, no; the gathering of t his day-to use a Scottish phrase-the gather. I,
mg of this day, at which are the wisest, the best, and the must influential persons in )f
Scotland, proves the contrary. We may not have a majority of the nobili'y of the country--invitations were, 1 understand, seat to them ; and, perhaps, if their tickets " bad been backed at Dunbar, they might have come. (Cheers and laughter, and cries or Give it to Lauderdale!") Much as we may regret their absence, and that of their - veteran leader, we must console ourselves for it by reflecting, that we have here ',resent .„ the Provosts and Magistrates of all the large towns in Scotland. That tells a different 1, tale from that trumpeted forth by our Tory adversaries ; and my mind is. therefore,
full of happy anticipations fur the free and Independent, the liberal and patriotic. A4 e it is here, su would it be in every part of the empire, if an occasion were offered for such a display." He believed Earl Grey to be a safe and practical, but a determined, corrector of all abuses; though he had differed with him occasionally, as all men of independent minds must sometimes differ with one another. Ile felt confident that there would be no abuse of the privi- leges recently granted to the People, but that their support would be honestly given to all the really valuable institutions of the country. " One word more," said Lord Durham in conclusion, " and I have done."
" My lauSle and lea. tied blend, Lord Brougham, has been pleased to give some a Ivies.. Which I have ilo tloui,t he deems very 'ousel. 10 some classes of persons-1 kids' soar, Mid—% Ito twine • too strong a desire to get rid of ancient abuses, and fretful impatience In awaiting the remedies of them. No. I hatikly confess that I am one of those per- sons who see whit regret every hour which passes over the existence of recognized and noreforiued abuses. (Immense eheer;ng.) 1 am. however, perfectly tilling to accept the correction of them as deliberately as our rulers. and my noble Mend among Me m, CID ; but on one condition, and ou one condition alone—that every measure should be propowd in conformity with those principles for which we all contend. I object to the compromise of opinions, not to the deliberation of what they should he. I object to the clipping, and paring, and mutilating, which must inevitably follow any- attempt to conciliate enemies who are not to be conciliated, and who thus obtain an ad- vantage, by pointbur out the inconsistencies of which you are guilty in abandoning your friends and your principles, and attribute the discontent felt on this score to the decay or dearth of Liberal principles. Against such policy, I, for one, enter my protect, as pregnant with mischief—as creating discontent where enthusiasm would otherwise exist - in exciting vague hopes in the bosoms of our adversaries, which can never he realized—and as lancing weapons In the hands of those who use them to the destruc- tion of our best interests. With this candid explanation, with this free exposition of my principles, which I have never concealed in any position in which I have been placed ; I am ready to grant the utmost extent of deliberation to my noble and learned friend which he has called for this night, and which, when given under such conditions, will calm the discontent which has recently prevailed."
He then gave as a toast, " Peace and prosperity to Ireland ;" though be excused himself from speaking on the subject, as lie had not bad time to prepare himself on so vast and difficult a question. Mr. Abere'romby's health was the next toast. That gentleman concluded a brief address of thanks, by paying some high compliments to Mr. Jeffrey, and proposing " Health and prosperity to the Trades and Working Classes."
The memory of Lord Archibald Hamilton was proposed by Earl Grey, and drunk in silence. Lord Brougham gave " Messieurs Arago and Flahault, and a per- petual good understanding between France and England." The two gentlemen returned thanks briefly, in French. The health of Mr. Edward Ellice elicited a speech in reply from that gentleman ; in which he declared his aversion to be as strong as Lord Durham's to the clipping and paring away of useful measures for the purpose of conciliating the Tories. Sir John Hobhouse spoke in the same strain, when his health was given--•
" If there were any thing wanting to tell a Minister what is expected of him at the hands of the People of the United Empire, we should leans it certainly from what has been addressed to ns by a noble friend of mine, Lord Durham. I, for one, ant most willing to accept what he has been so kind as to address to the King's Government, in perfectly good part. I do believe that it is the intention of his Majesty's Ministers to carry into full and efficient effect all those benefits which the People of Great Britain have a right to expert. Else why, gentlemen, do I belong to the present Aministratiun On what other ground could I have have joined it? I am one of the People ; I belorig to the People in every sense of the wool; it is in order to carry into elfeet that which I believe from my conscience to tie the real popular effects of the Reform Bill, that I have eca.scnted to join the Administration. I am not, any more than my noble friend is, the least afraid of any lessons wLich the People may read to the Administration. I know very well, that what was said by a great man of former slays is perfectly true,— namely, that although the opinions of the People may be often wrong. their feelings are generally and almost universally right ; and without indulging in any vain or idle declamation. 1 think I can promise you that any member of the present government will at any time be to" happy to meet any as•wnsbly of his fellow-countrymen, before them to lay open the whole of his public conduct, by them to be judged, to them to appeal, and from them to receive what he considers his best reward. (Load and con- tinued cheering.) . . . . I recollect. gentlemen, very well, when the attempt at gaining trio freely-chosen Representatives for the city of Edinburgh was, as it were, the touchstone %sills respect to Parliamentary Reform, in the Unreformed noose of Commons ; and I rcollect very well, that when that assembly would listen Is, no (as they then called it) sweeping measure of Reform, they were. I will not say seduced, but somewhat persuaded by the arguments of my friend and colleague. your present Member. Mr. Anercromby, to confess. that there was something like a blot in the Representation of the People. Most happy was I. as is real and (if I may presume to call myself) a Radical Reformer, to find, that they would not listen even to your pre- sent Representative, with a view to the amendment of this acknowledged abuse."
The lust health was that of the Solicitor-General, Mr. Cockburn. Soon after which (about one o'clock on Tuesday morning), the com- pany broke up, and retired in perfect order.