The business in the English Funds has not been important: one large specu- lative sale occurred during the week ; but the majority of the transactions have been for money, and as in these operations the sellers have predominated, the general result has been to produce a heaviness in the market, accompanied by a trifling decline in price. The market has, however, assumed a firmer appearance this afternoon, and closes at an advance of * per cent upon the lowest quotations. This decline does not appear to have its origin in any political causes, or in the scarcity of money; which, though in great demand in the Share Market, is easily obtainable upon Government Securities or first-rate commercial paper at 21 per cent: but the depression is solely attributable to the withdrawal of almost all the floating capital of the country from the ordinary channels of investment for the girposes of railway speculation. Thos, but few jobbers are to be found dealing in bur 'sh Stock, and operations which wder other circumstances would have been tsaing become important; the confined nature of the market rendering trans- actions of extensive character impossible without producing a great effect upon pekes.
&thing of moment occurred at the meeting of the Bank Proprietary held yesterday. The usual dividend was declared, after a brief but ineffectual attempt on the part of one of the proprietors to procure an increase to 4 instead of 31 per
cent. The presiling Governor held out hopes of the desired increase being ens: long made; and as the whole of the present dividend has been provided for out of the profits of the past half-year, and an addition has been made to the Rest or surplus balance, the meeting adjourned in high good-humour.
The only remarkable circumstance connected with the Foreign Funds has been a decline in Portuguese Securities—one between 3 and 4 per cent upon our last prices, and one of 6 and 7 per cent from not very recent quotations. No political cause can be found for this depression, the intelligence from the Peninsula having for some time been of a very favourable character; but the same cause is operating to the prejudice of these securities as that already noticed with respect to the English Funds. A very small quantity of stock has been brought forward for sale dunng the week, for which buyers could only be found at a great sacrifice. The market continues much depressed, and closes heavily at the lowest quotations. The pressure noticed as occurring in the Share Market on the occasion of the settlement has passed away, and with it every appearance of gloom. Speculation appears to be as active as ever, but is chiefly confined to the smaller varieties of Shares; many of which have been run up to extraordinary premiums. Not a few of the schemes of last session, which, with the prorogation of Parliament, had fallen into oblivion, have been revived, and are sought after at prices varying from 2/. to 7l. premium. The settlement of the lease of the Great Northern line of France seems to have quieted the speculation in Foreign Shares, and it has been less extensive than usual. New companies are still forming to bid for the Paris and Lyons, Paris and Strasburg, and Lyons and Avignon lines. With few ex- ceptions, however, the market for Foreign Shares, though not absolutely heavy, is not so firm as it has been. An improvement has occurred in the Shares of Pepin le Halleur, in consequence of purchases made, it is said, upon the receipt of intel- ligence that an arrangement of the dispute between the English and French Directors had been effected.
There is not any change in either the English or Foreign Stocks. The prin- cipal business in the Railway Shares has been in the lesser kinds, which are gene- rally in demand, and speculation continuing as intense as ever. The transactions in the Foreign Shares have been trifling. We have to notice the occurrence of the following bargains: Aberdeen, 41; Bristol and Exeter, Now, 11; Caledonian, 12h; Chelmsford and Bury, 2*; Great Northern, 3i; East Lincolnshire, 61; Edin- burgh and Perth, 3h; Goole and Doncaster, 6h; London and York, 61; Midland, Birmingham, and Derby, 130; Great North of France, (Lafitte's,) 61.
The English Funds are firmer; closing at an advance of k per cent upon the morning', quotations. We cannot notice any change in the Foreign Market. The business in Railway Shares has been of the usual general character, and the prices of the smaller varieties are advancing. Among the Foreign there has been a demand for Dutch-Rhenish, which have risen about 108. per share; while those of the Fanipoux branch of the Great Northern line of France have been done at 1 premium. We have to notice the following bargains, in addition to those given in the morning: Birmingham and Gloucester, 130; Birmingham Extension, ; Bristol and Exeter, 91 90; Derby and Uttoxeter, 3h; Eastern Counties, 19h 20h; Ditto, New, 61; Eastern Union Extension, 5; East Lincolnshire, 6* 1; East and West of England, 3*; Edinburgh and Perth, 318 *; Great North of Scotland, 1*; Great Western, 165; Ditto, Half-shares, 93; Ditto, Fifths, 37h; Hounslow and Great Western, 21,; Birmingham, 2-22; Ditto, Quarter-shares, 28 7; Brighton, 751; Greenwich, 101; South-western, 804 80; Ditto, New, 161; London and York, 61 71; London, Warwick, and Kidderminster, 51 * 1; Manchester and Birmingham, 89; Midland, 1681 ; Ditto, New, 25* 1; Perth and Inverness, 21; Rugby and Huntingdon, 31; Scottish Centra1,8*; South Midland, 7* ; North Devon, di 4; Northampton, Banbury, and Cheltenham, 6/ h; Boulogne and Amiens, 11} 11; Dendre Valley, 2*; Dutch-Rhenish, 11h 111; Great Paris and Lyons, 24; Jersey, 3*; Luxemburg, 3 21; Namur and Liege, 61; Orleans, Tours, and Bordeaux, 131 14; Over Yssell, Paris, and Lyons, (Lafitte's,) 31 *; Ditto, (thumeron's,) 3* 1; Paris and Strasburg, (Ganneron's,) 2h; Ditto, (Companie de lEst,) 21; West Flanders, 51.
3 per Cent Consols ....
984 98
Columbian ex Venezuela. • • 18 1
Ditto for Account
581 Danish 3 per Cents
3 per Cent Reduced shut
Dutch 24 per Cents
61 1
31 per Cents
shut Ditto 4 per Cents 981 91 Long Annuities shut Mexican 5 per Cents 321 3 Bank Stock for Account .. • 219 13 Ditto Deferred 174 DI Exchequer Bills prem. 47 9 Portuguese New 5 p. Cts.1841 60 2 India Stock shut Ditto 4 per Cents 1845 60 1 Brazilian 5 per Cents 89 Russian 5 per Cents 1141 151 Belgian 4} per Cents 994 1001 Spanish (Active) 5 per Cents 27 °Lilian 6 per Ceuta 102 4 Ditto 3 Cents 1842
381 I