Speaking-trumpets For Railways.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Ninth Month 1845. RESPECTED Fluarru—In conversation with an individual, the other day, on the subject of railway accidents, and remarking . how......
Decorations Of The New Palace.
TO THE EDITOR OF THE SPECTATOR. Sin—Your insertion of my former communication has had the desired effect of calling public attention to the case of the English decorators who......
The Theatres.
MANAGERS ought to know their own business best, but their proceedings aS registered in the playbills are puzzling to lookers-on. They appear never prepared against a possible......
Pommersfelden. Coblentv, September 1845.
I want to tell you about Pommersfelden, a place I alluded to on a recent occa- sion; and which is not one of the "King of Bohemia's seven castles," but one among several real......