20 SEPTEMBER 1845, page 11

The Dutch Labourers Are Not Yet In Want Of Food;

but their King has reduced the duties on imported grain and vegetables, and declared that it is the duty of Government to promote the importation of food. An English landowner......

A General Court-martial, Presided Over By General Sir...

has been sitting at Leeds since the 1st instant, by order of the Duke of Wellington, for the trial of Lieutenant W. Augustine Hyder, of the Tenth Royal Hussars, on a charge......

At A Special Meeting Of The Marylebone Directors And...

of the Poor, yesterday, was read the report of a conference between the deputation appointed at a recent meeting and the Poor-law Commissioners. The deputation claimed that......

The Only Point Of Interest In The Paris Journals Of

Thursday is a letter in the Presse, dated from Berne , and relating to certain " Atheistical ' clubs which are said to menace the tranquillity , quillity of Switzerland. They......

The Theatres.

MANAGERS ought to know their own business best, but their proceedings aS registered in the playbills are puzzling to lookers-on. They appear never prepared against a possible......

Money Market.

STOCK ExcHANC.E, FRIDAY AFTERNOON. The business in the English Funds has not been important: one large specu- lative sale occurred during the week ; but the majority of the......