The Diary of an Idle Woman in Spain. By Frances
Elliot. 2 vols. (F. V. White and Co.)—No one can complain of any poverty of material in these two volumes. On the contrary, there is even a superabundance of it ; what is wanting is a little judicious selecting. If Mrs. Elliot had taken the best of the multitude of things which she has to tell us about, had worked these out carefully, and had employed a style more careful and less " scrappy " in deal- ing with them, she would have done much better. Anyhow, the two volumes have no appearance of being made-up. They are not the scanty outcome of a few weeks' visit, eked out with guide-book in- formation and the like. They are genuine in their way, and though they confuse one somewhat with the crowd of details, they leave on the mind an impression of genuine knowledge.