Sir Michael Hicks-beach Made A Speech At Cheltenham On...
noteworthy, amidst the flaccid speeches on his side, for a certain strength. He said that Mr. Gladstone in 1879 was quite right in appealing to the country against a House of......
• The Pall Mall Gazette Publishes What It Believes To
be an ex- haustive sketch of the condition of the Navy by a first-class and unprejudiced authority. The general conclusions are that although Great Britain could defeat any......
The Fury Of The Cholers In Naples Is Abating, But
in the day ending at midnight on the 17th there were 507 new cases, and in all 293 deaths. The visit of the King appears to have given hopefulness to the people,.and the......
We Note With Interest That In The Discussion Of Thursday
on the compulsory enfranchisement of leaseholds, the balance of opinion at the Congress was wholly in its favour. Mr. Rubin- stein, Solicitor to the Birkbeck Building Society,......
A Correspondent, Who For Some Unknown Reason Does Not Wish
his letter published, sends us what seems a conclusive ex- planation of the strange facts we have recently published about "insane pigeons." It is, at all events, an explanation......
James Wright, The Horton Burglar, Was Convicted On...
sentenced to penal servitude for life. The peculiarity of his case, upon which we have commented elsewhere, is that Wright, like Peace, was a convict who had made up his mind......
The Social Science Congress Met This Year At Sheffield, On
the 17th inst., proceedings being opened by the President, Mr. Shaw Lefevre, in a singularly thoughtful and impartial speech. He reviewed the progress of the two great ideas of......
Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.
Consols were on Friday 101i to 101i.......