Sir Michael Hicks-beach Made A Speech At Cheltenham On...
noteworthy, amidst the flaccid speeches on his side, for a certain strength. He said that Mr. Gladstone in 1879 was quite right in appealing to the country against a House of......
Sir S. Northcote Is Trying To Neutralise Mr. Gladstone's...
in Midlothian, and has spoken twice at great length, on Monday and Thursday. On both occasions he was temperate,. argumentative, and clear, and if he had had anything fresh to......
It Appears To Be Almost Certain That The Object To
which Admiral Courbet will next address himself is the capture of Nankin. That is to say, he will force his way up the" Great River" for at least two hundred miles, or one......
The Meeting Of The Emperors And Chancellors At...
gone off happily, the Sovereigns who assembled on the 15th parting on the 17th inst., and having no time to quarrel. They had, it is said, conversation for about an hour and......
We Published On Saturday Last An Account Of The Pamphlet
in which the German General Von der Goltz maintains that in the next invasion of France cavalry must be employed on a great scale, and that serious battles of cavalry and......
The King Of The Belgians Has Arrived At The Decision
we ex- pected. He has, as a Constitutional Sovereign, signed the Education Act, which was passed by large majorities in both Houses directly after an election. That Act, in......
Lord Ampthill's Place As Ambassador In Berlin Has Been...
by the appointment of Sir E. Malet, now Minister at the Belgian Court. Sir E. Malet has done good service as Consul-General in Egypt, and is trusted by the Foreign Office ; but......
Two Curious Rumours Are Afloat As To The Agreement Made
at Skirnievice. One is that Russia has asked, in return for certain concessions in the Balkans, for a "free hand" in Armenia; and another, that she has intimated an intention of......