At the opening of the Queensland Parliament on Monday, the
Premier, Sir Samuel Griffith, announced that the Govern- ment intended to propose the division of the Colony "into three provinces with large autonomous powers, with a Central Parliament and Government controlling the present debt and other matters of general concern, this central administration to be eventually superseded by the proposed Australasian Federal Parliament and Government." The scheme is one of great importance. In the first place, it settles the vexed questions occasioned by the claim of Northern Queensland to set up for herself ; and next, it smooths the path for Australian Federa- tion. The fact that the formation of an Australian Dominion within a reasonable time is officially recognised and prepared for by a statesman of the calibre of Sir Samuel Griffith, is a very hopeful sign. The new provinces will, we suppose, have Townsville, Rockhampton, and Brisbane for their respective capitals. All will be semi-tropical ; but North Queensland will present the curious feature of a self-governing community actually within the tropics.