If A Paragraph In Wednesday's Times Is Not Based On
some misapprehension or miscalculation, we are on the eve of a total revolution in light vehicular locomotion. It is said that a new form of electrical generator and motor has......
The Weather For The Past Three Weeks Has Been Wonderful
all over Europe,—cloudless skies, pleasant breezes, and a high thermometer. We have enjoyed, in fact, a September summer, to the immense benefit of agriculturists and......
The Strike-fever Still Lasts In Australia. The Workmen...
better off than any in the world, but they are possessed with the idea that they owe their prosperity to the Unions. Because, therefore, the shipowners are fighting the Sea-......
The African Diamond Fields Advertiser, Quoted In The...
Thursday, contains a thrilling account of a scene witnessed after all the animals of a menagerie had been let loose—at night apparently—by some person who had a grudge against......
The New York Nation Tells A Curious Story A, Propos
of the "spoils " system. The post of letter-carrier in aWestern city was wanted by a Republican Congressman for a political supporter. Accordingly, a very respectable postman of......
The Special Correspondent Of The Times At Constantinople...
the Armenian patriotic societies expect an insur- rection, but is hopeless of any result from their efforts or any other. He admits the grievances of the Armenians, and the......
At The Opening Of The Queensland Parliament On Monday, The
Premier, Sir Samuel Griffith, announced that the Govern- ment intended to propose the division of the Colony "into three provinces with large autonomous powers, with a Central......
Bank Rate, 4 Per Cent.
New Consols (2f) were on Friday 95.1 to 95th.......