Two False Moves. By Jean Middlemass. 3 Vols. (f. V.
White and Co.)—This latest book from the pen of Miss Middlemass will be found readable enough by the ordinary uncritical novel- devourer, for it is lively, and it contains......
Aspects Of The Earth : A Popular Account Of Boone
Familiar Geological Phenomena. By N. S. Shaler, Professor of Geology in Harvard University. Illustrated. (Smith, Elder, and Co.)—This excellently illustrated volume may as......
"great Writers :" Life Of Lord Byron. By The Hon.
Roden Noel. (Walter Scott.)—The praise at one time awarded to Byron as a poet was perhaps as excessive as Mr. Swinbiume's recent depreciation of his poetical genius. His ear was......
Bin Gottesurtheil. Roman Von Elizabeth Werner. Zweite...
Kappler, Mfinchen.)—This is a readable tale, in " easy " German, quite suitable for girls just coming out of the schoolroom. As a novel, it is not of very high rank, and the......
Book Prices - Current. Vol. Iii. (elliot Stock.)—this...
at which books have been sold by auction from December, 1888, to November, 1889, will be scanned with much interest and curiosity by the book-buyer. In these latter days his......
The Garden : As Considered In Literature By Certain Polite
Writers. Edited by Walter Howe. With Portrait of W. Kent. "Knicker- bocker Nuggets." (G. P. Putnam's Sons, New York and London.)— We are told that these little books are offered......