On Easter Sunday, at St. George's Place, Canterbury, the Wife of the Rev. H. P. Wright, Chaplain to the Forces, of a daughter.
On the 10th of April, at No. 1, Grafton Street, the Countess of Cork,. of a daughter.
On the 14th, at 39, Princes Gate, the Lady 1J1rica Thynne, of a son. On the 15th, at 57, Portend Place, the Lady Petre, of a daughter.
On the 15th, at Corrig Avenue, Kingstown, the Hon. Mrs. Somerset Ward, of a daughter.
On Easter Tuesday, at Whitchurch, in the county of Glamorgan, the Rev. J. T. Cyril Stacey, eldest son of the Rev. Thomas Stacey, precentor of Llandatt; and rec- tor of Gelltgaer, to Mary, only surviving daughter of the late T. W. Booker Blake- more, of Velindra, Esq., M.P. for the county of Hereford.
On the 10th of April, at Plympton St. Mary Church, Florence, Widow of Sir Wil- 1Mm Young, Bart., and daughter of Erring Clark, Esq., of Efford Manor, Devon, to John, son of George Soltau, Esq,, of Little Efford, in the same county. On the 10th, at St. James's Church, Piccadilly, by the Rev. Lord Wriothesley Russell, William Edward Oakeley, Esq.,of Glanwilliain, Merionethshire, and grand- son of the late Sir Charles Oakeley, Bart., to the Hon. Mary Russell, youngest daughter of the Baroness de Clifford. On the 11th, at the Parish Church of Chingford, Essex, the Ilan. Win. Proby, se- cond son of the Earl of Carysfort, to Charlotte Mary, eldest daughter of the Rev. R. B. Heathcote, of Chingford, Essex. On the 12th, at St. Peter's, Eaton Square, Laurence Trent Cave, FAR., late Cap- tain M.EL's Fifty-fourth Regiment, younger son of Charles Cave, Esq., of Lovmdes Street, Belgrave Square, to Lucy, second daughter of John Greenwood, Esq., Q.C., of Chester Square, and Broadhanger, Hants. On the 17th, at St. Matthias Church, Richmond, Surrey, Alexander Matheson, Esq., of Archoes, M.P., to Eleanor Irving, daughter of the late Spencer Perceval, of 21, Portman Square, Landon. On the 17th, at linden Church, Oxon, Wm. Barrington d'Almeida, Esq., eldest eon of Sir Joaqm. d'Almeida, Consul-General of Portugal, and Consul for Sardinia at Singapore, to Anna Harriette, second daughter of Rowland Pennington, Esq., of Stoke House, Wallingford, one of her Majesty's Justices of the Peace, and Deputy- Lieutenant for the county of Cumberland. On the 17th, at Hollingbourne, the Rev. Robt. John Shaw, incumbent of Dane- hill, Sussex, eldest son of the Rev: K. W. Shaw, rector of Caxton, and Hon. Canon of Rochester, and grandson to the late Sir John Gregory Shaw, Bart., of Kenward, in the county of Kent, to Ella de Visme, eldest daughter of Richard Thomas, of Eyhorne House, Esq., in the same county.
On the 30th of March, at London, Canada West, the Hon. Mrs. Maurice Port-
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On the 8th of April, at Tenterden, Maria Goodhew Ricketts, second daughter of the late Rear-Admiral William Ricketts, of Knockholt, Sevenoaks, Kent. On the 130, at his residence, 15, Lansdowne Crescent, Notting Hill, in his seventy-seventh year, John Finlaison, Esq., President of the Institute of Ac- tuaries, and formerly Actuary of the National Debt and Government Calculator. On the 13th, at Knockin, Shropshire, Vice-Admiral the Hon. Charles Orlando Bridgman, aged sixty-nine. On the 13th, at Barton, Bury St. Edmunds, Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Ed- ward Banbury, Bart., K.C.B., in the eighty-second year of his age. On the 14th, at her town residence, Belgrave Square, the Right Hon. Lady Bos- ton.
On the 14th, at Brockhampton Park, Gloucestershire, Fulwar Craven, Esq., a dc- puty-lieutenaut for the counties of Wilts and Berks, and a magistrate for the coun- ties of Wilts, Berke' and Gloucester, aged seventy-eight. On the 14th, at 51, Cumberland Street, Hyde Park, Capt. Leicester N'ernon, of Ardington House, Berke, and M.P. for the county.
On the 15th, at the Vicarage, the Rev. Robert Mead!, Cleveland, aged sixty-three. Vicar of Marton-in-