Womnsr Ann Watceivoek. —mrs. Grundy Would Doubtless Turn...
nose at intelligent and educated Englishwomen directing their attention to a mechanical trade, forgetting that shirtmaking also is a mechanical trade, and that the needle and......
Itttrr5 Tn T Titnr.
THE FB.EEMAN FRANCHISE. 18th April, 1860. Sin—I have lately been informed that, when the first Reform Act dis- franchised freemen by birth, it omitted to disqualify those who......
Native " Loca_l Corps."
Bombay Presidency, 20th March, 1860. There is a probability that it may be decided that the future recruiting for the Native army in India, should be solely on the conditions of......
Darwin's Theory Defended.
Belfast, 16th April, 1860. Bin—As you have published? (in your numbers of 24th ultimo and 7th instant) an attack on Darwin's" Origin of Species," I trust you will not refuse to......
The Burradon Oversight.
THE inquiry before the Coroner and. Jury of South Northumber- land, into the cause and extent of the frightful calamity which consigned to a chokino. death no fewer than......