Money Market.
STOCK EXCHANGE, FRLDAT AFTERNOON. Business in all departments of the Stock Exchange continues very dull and languid, a momentary activity being only apparent now and then there......
The Bombay Mail Arrived Yesterday, With Advices To The 27th
March. The Lieutenant-Governor of Bengal reports that he has every reason to believe that the excitement in the Indigo districts is passing off, and that he has no apprehension......
On Easter Sunday, at St. George's Place, Canterbury, the Wife of the Rev. H. P. Wright, Chaplain to the Forces, of a daughter. On the 10th of April, at No. 1, Grafton Street,......
Our Paris Correspondent Forwards Some Curious Reports...
proceedings of the Papal Court. " Paris, Thursday evening. "I hear on positive authority that General de Lamoriciare is expected tonight or tomorrow morning in Paris; he comes......
Postscript • Saturday Mosaawa.
In the House of Commons last night, Mr. EDWIN JAMES asked the Se- cretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, in the event of the Reform Bill being read a second time during......