21 APRIL 1860, Page 21


BRITISH FUNDS. (Closing Prices.) 3 per Cent Consols Ditto for Account 3 per Cents Reduced New 3 per Cents Annuities 1880 Annuities 1883 Bank Stock, 9 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, 10. per diem Exchequer Bonds, 5001. India Bonds 4 per Cent 8aturd. Monday Sunday.


941 94 93 931 -- 2231 221 12 12



944 944 931 93 14 171 229 11 211 431 108 841 47


761 27 724 37 17 62

ss 23 314 as

441 171




119 691 1001 32 19 1051 26 41 794 331


Si, 1441 931 931 - 226 /19/ 10 - lab. 944 941 931 931 171 224 - 11 - - 944 944 931 931 171 223 -- 11 941 944 931 931 174 223 219 11 7 -

(Last Glacial Quotation

Austrian 6p. Ct.

Belgian 44 - Ditto 24- Brazilian 6 - Buenos Ayres 6 - Chilian 6 - Danish 5 - Ditto 3 - Dutch (Ex. 12 Guilders) 21 - Ditto 4 - French 3 - FOREIGN during the - - 100 86 1021 101 - 631 1001 69f. 234. FUNDS.

Week ending Friday Evening.)

French 41 P.M.

Mexican 3 - Peruvian 44 - Portuguese 1853 $ - Russian II -

Sardinian a -

Spaniels 3 -

Ditto New Deferred s -

Ditto Passive

Turkish . 6 -

Venezuela Mast Oficial Quotation


BrIstoland Exeter Caledonian Chesterand Holyhead Eastern Counties Edinburgh and Glasgow

Glasgow and South-Western

Great Northern Great South. and West. Ireland Great Western Lancashire and Yorkshire Lancaster and Carlisle London,Brighton,& South Coast London and Blackwell London and North-Western London and South -Western Manchester, Sheffield,& Lincoln Midland Midland Great Western (Ireland) North British North-Eastern-Berwick North-Eastern-York Oxford, War. & Wolverhampton Scottish Central Scottish Midland South -Eastern and Dover Eastern of France East Indian Geelong and Melbourne Grand Trunk of Canada Great Indian Peninsular °rein Western of Canada

Paris and Lyons Mmes-

Australian Brazilian Imperial Ditto St. John del Rey Cobre Copper

Ithymney Iron

during the

1021 911 511 694 751 991 114 1131 69f 1041 2071 1131 681 991 92 4)1 1151 - 61 991 7 43 111} 88 873 29 1011 ge!

991 13 23/ 45 SHARES.

Week ending Friday Evening.) Bases-


British North American

City Colonial

Commercial of London

Engl. Scotah.& Australian Chtd London London and County

London Chrtd. Bnk. of Australis

London Joint Stock London and Westminster National Bank National Provincial New South Wales Oriental Ottoman Provincial of Ireland South Australia Union of Australia

Union of London tY 15' Ve-

D 0

East and West India

London St. Katherine

li tatsiccetriesa sewa-

Australian Agricultural British American Land Crystal tal Palace Electrie Telegraph General Steam London Discount ..

National Discount Peninsular and Oriental Steam Royal Mail Steam South Australian


An Account, pursuant to the 7th and 8th Victoria, rap. 32. for the week ending on Wednesday the 18th day of April loss.

MOB DIParaltzwr.

Rotes issued /28,363,225 Government Debt £11,016,100 Other Securities 3,490,900 Gold Coin and Bullion 13,830,223 Silver Bullion 128,369,231


Proprietors 'Capital 114,953,000 Government Securities (Inclu- Rest 3,211,739 ding Dead WeightAnnulty). 10,728,943 Public Deposits. 5,838,581 Other Securities 22,790,338 Other Deposits 15,312,426 Notes 6,548,560 Seven Days and other Bills . 686,537 Gold and Silver Coin 734,461 - 139,802,302 139,802,302

• Including Exchequer, Seving-Banks,Commissionersof National Debt, and MT, ACct, BULLION. Per os. METALS. Fer ton. Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard. i3 17 9 Copper, Brit. Cakes 4110 0 0 .. fo e Iron, Welsh Bans.... 625 0.. 7 6

Mexican Dollars 0 6 2 Lead, British Pig ... 23 10 0 .. 24 10

Silver in Bars, Standard 0 5 141 Steel, Swedish Keg.. 19 0 0 .. 0 0

GRAIN, Mark Lane, April 20.


For the Week ending April 14. Per gr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.

Wheat ..... 49s. 14. I Rye 365. 1051. Wheat.... 46s. Ild. Rye 335. 94. Baxley 37 2 Beans 39 9 Barley.... 36 9 'Beane 39 If

Oats 24 2 Peas ....... 38 3 Oats 23 6 Peas 37 11 PROVISIONS.

Butter-Best Fresh, 15.68. dos. Carlow, 01. 0.. to 01. os. per cwt. Bacon. Irish per cwt. 64s. - 675. Cheese, Cheshire, gine 80 - 88 Derby, pale 70 76 Hams, York 76 88 Eggs, French, per 120, 4s. M. to 65. 64.


NWRIIATI AND 1.14.DINILILL.• I. d. a. 4 I. d.


a, d. r. d. r. d. MUD or Cisme AT TN'



3 4 to 3 8 to 4 0 .... 4 0104 8to5 0 Monday. Thursday.


4 0 - 4 8 - 4 10 .... 4 - 6 6 - 6 10 Beasts.. 4,240 840 Veal-, 3 10 - 4 8 - 4 10 .... 4 4 - 0 - 6 6 Sheep 23,610 8,470 Pork .. 4 0 - 4 8 - 5 0 .... 4 4 - 4 6 - 5 0 Calve... 126 240 Lamb 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0.. 0 0 - 0 0 - 0 0 Pigs ... 320 190 • To sink the offal, per 8 lb.


Weald of Kent Pockets...... 62s. to 825. Down Tegs

Midland East Kent ditto 80 - 140 Half-bred Wethers Sussex ditto 62 - 76 Leicester Fleeces Farnham ditto 0 - 0 Combing Skins HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 35 Trusses.)


Hay, Good 80e to 90s. 92*. to 861.

Inferior 80 70 72 76

New o 0 a - 0 Clover 100 - 115 710 --l1

Wheat Straw 27 32 Wheat,R. O 46 to 53 Fine 93 -36 Red, New 42 - 50 Pine! 60-52 White Old 48-54 Fine 51-98 New 44-52 Fine 53to6t4 Foreign,R 46-56 White F 59-65 Rye 38-31 Barley 30-3d Malting 40-46

Malt, Ord 88-68

Fine 88 to 73 Peas, Hog , 80-35 Maple 35-38 White 35-37 Blue 0- 0 Beans, Ticks 30-12 Harrow , 27-00

Indian Corn. 36 to 36 Oats, Feed.. 21-24 Pine.... 24-25 Poland .., 23-23 Fine.... 25-27 Potato.... 26-28 Pine.... 28 - 30

128,365,225 FLOUR.

Town-made per sack 445.00 496. Seconds 35 88 Essex and Suffolk, on board ship 36 - 38

Norfolk and Stockton 35 56 American .. ..... per barrel 28 - 30

Canadian 28 31 Bread. 514. to ad. the 41b. loaf. WOOL. • , per lb. 26151. to 214.

18 - 0 17 . 19 1$ 18


114*. to 1000.

80 - 88 . o - 0

100 - 190

33 - 37