The return of licences granted under the Vivisection Act of
last year shows that only four licences have been granted, which make the licensee free from inspection in any experiments he may perform, i.e., which name no place where they are to be per- formed ; while nineteen have been granted which are available in given places only, and the holders of which, therefore, are liable to inspection. Only one special licence has been granted for experiments without anaesthetics, and in that case the in- spector is to satisfy himself at the expiration of three months from the grant of the licence as to the practically painless charac- ter of the experiments. No special licence has been granted for experiments on the higher animals, cats, dogs, horses, mules, or asses; and no experiments have been made in which curare has been employed. If there be no vivisection which goes on without official acknowledgment, the Act of last year has done more than we expected of it in the way of diminishing the evils of the practice.