Irish Land Tenure. [to The Editor Of The "epbotator-1...
Bence Jones, in his letter published in the Spectator of March 31, has most successfully maintained that Ireland needs its landlords ; that it would be destroying a valuable......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.")
Sin,—In a large fishing community in the north-east of Scotland, where I exercise my ministry, a custom prevails which seems to corroborate Mr. M'Lennan's theory about the......
[to The Editor Of The "speotator. ")
Sin,—In Mr. Bence Jones's letter he relinquishes the discussion of the "practical difficulties" suggested in his first letter, and relies upon the more hackneyed, but less......
Professor Wace On Belief.
W E drew attention rather more than three months ago (January 6) to a striking but very misleading essay of Professor Clifford's in the Fortnightly Review on the sin of Cre-......
Letters To The Editor.
SIR HENRY MAINE AND MR. M'LENNAN. go THE EDITOR OF THE "SFROTATOR.1 Sin,—The reviewer in the Spectator of Mr. M'Lennan's "Studies in Ancient History " appears to agree with Mr.......