It Seems, From An Official Paper Just Published, That Hobart
Pasha is still an officer in the British Service. He was removed from it by the Admiralty in 1868, on complaint from the Greek Minister, through Lord Stanley, then, as now,......
At The Engineers Dinner On Wednesday, Lord Carnarvon Made A
speech which cannot have been pleasant reading for some of his colleagues. Lord Derby says he signed the Protocol in the interests of peace alone, and Mr. Hardy says the single......
Another " Demonstration " In Favour Of Arthur Orton Was
arranged for Tuesday, and attracted some attention, its leader, Mr. De Morgan, having threatened to march 100,000 men to the House of Commons to claim the right of petition. No......
We Are To Have A Visit Very Shortly, It Seems,
from the fascinating young gorilla who has stirred so much interest in Berlin, and who is exciting even a greater furore there than our first hippopotamus excited in London. The......
Mr. Brandram's Recital Of " The Merchant Of Venice "
on Tues- day, at Willis's Rooms, was very successful. His rendering of the minor characters and of Shylock is more striking than his render- ing of Portia. His Lancelot Gobbo,......
The Constantinople Correspondent Of The Times Recently...
the Turkish Government had sentenced a military student, named Ali Nasmi, to be bastinadoed for having written a letter to the Vakil, pleading for the recall of Midhat, which......
Mr. Reed, Late Chief Naval Constructor, Holds Out A Pleasing
prospect, nothing less than that of another reconstruction of the Navy. In a lecture on Wednesday to the Society of Arts, he declared that the problem of defence against......
The Return Of Licences Granted Under The Vivisection Act Of
last year shows that only four licences have been granted, which make the licensee free from inspection in any experiments he may perform, i.e., which name no place where they......