The strikes in the Pas-de-Calais and the Nord departments of
France show no sign of decreasing in violence. At Lieven on Tuesday the gendarmerie barracks were attacked, and at Billy-Montigny the Prefect of the Pas-de-Calais has been shut up in the railway station. At Lens the' house of M. Reumaux, the director of the mines, has been sacked, and troops sent to relieve it were repulsed. At Denain, in the Nord, the Socialist Mayor has appealed for troops, since he is unable to restrain tha rioters, and the miners on strike there are preventing by force the employes of other trades from going to work. Several lives have been lost, and the whole district is in a state of anarchy. Strikes of printers have begun in various provinces, and in Paris the strike of postmen still continues. Throughout the Government are keeping a steady head. They have refused VS listen to the postmen's demands, and M. Barthou, the Minister of Public. Works, has courageously gone down to Lens himself to endeavour to bring the miners to reason.