Bank Rate, 31 Per Cent.
Console (21 per cent.) were on Friday 00i.......
Dr. Richard Garnett, Whose Death At The Age Of Seventy-one
was announced last Saturday, was an admirable specimen of the unselfish scholar who amasses learning only to impart it as widely and freely as possible to his fellows. He had......
All The Evidences Available Point, Unhappily, To A Bitter...
over the Education Bill. Tuesday's papers contained a letter addressed by the Bishop of London to the Rural Deans in his diocese denouncing the Bill as a measure of compulsory......
On Friday Week A Labor Demonstration, At Which Some...
of men attended, was held in the Market Square at Johannesburg. Resolutions were passed in favour of the ordinary measures in a Labour programme—adult suffrage, an eight-hour......
President Roosevelt Delivered A Striking Speech At...
on the occasion of the opening of the new offices for Congressional Committees. The President took as his text Bunyan's description of the Man with the Muckrake, which he held......
The Times Last Saturday Published Two Remarkable Articles...
lunacy question. With the one treating of its medical aspect it is obviously impossible for us to deal in detail, It is enough to state that the writer laments the slow progress......