The Late Colonel Henderson And The History Of The Boer
WAR. [To TRZ EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — In your issue of April 7th is a letter signed "Z." It takes your reviewer of the " German Official Account of the War in South......
[to Ter Editor Op Rue "spectator. " ] Sin,—as One Who Reads
the Spectator almost from beginning to end every week, and greatly admires its ability and fairness, may I venture to put before you the case of at least one section of the......
[to Vas Zditor Op Twa "speoraton."] Sra, — You May...
the following incident sufficiently relevant to the present controversy to be worthy of publication. About twenty years ago I attended a service at a Roman Catholic church in......
[to The Editor Of Tor " Spectator."3 Sir,—i Should Like
to be permitted to express my sincere admiration of the tone you have adopted in your article of April 14th in dealing with this Bill. Its great defect is that it is directed to......
Nonconformist Endowments.
[TO VIZ EDITOR OF TER"SPECTATOR. " ] SEIL,—Will you allow me briefly to comment on Dr. P. V. Smith's letter on Church endowments in your paper of April 7th? Without any wrong......