[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Just about a year ago I had the privilege of writing a letter to your paper on the subject of the need for rest-rooms and hostels for our women war workers. We have now another large work before us—that of supplying rest-rooms for the women who have already gone, and those who quite soon will go, to France. Their work will be arduous, and we have undertaken to provide rest and recreation rooms in various places in France where they will be. They are, as Lord Derby has said, "part and parcel of the Great Army," and are surely entitled to the same thought and consideration from the nation as our brave soldiers. We are opening a fund for .R5,000 for this purpose. Last year, in response to my letter to you on behalf of war workers at home, by one post I received no less than the sum of .R2,000. I cannot believe that your readers will be less desirous of helping our women who are now nearer the zone of battle, and less desirous to lighten and brighten their strenuous work, by providing the greatly needed rest and recreation rooms. It is difficult to estimate exactly, but, calculating roughly, £500 will provide a rest-room. One has already been given to us, but many more are needed. Who will provide a rest and recreation room for our women in France, or indeed any part of one? Donations may be sent to Lord Sydenham, 26 George Street, Hanover Square, London, W.; or to me at the same address.—I am, Sir, &c., E. PICTON-TURBERVILL, Vice-President, National Y.W.C.A. 26 George Street, Hanover Square, IV. 1.
[We wish the Y.W.C.A. the best of luck in their venture. If the subscriptions are as good as the cause, they will reap a rich harvest.—ED. Spectator.]