The War Is Teaching Us To Be A Thrifty People.
This is clear from the report of the National War Savings Committee on its first year's work. Last June there were only 157 local Committees and 1,287 War Savings Associations......
The Truth Is, Of Course, That Mr. Balfour Has Always
been a most ardent admirer of the United States. The present writer well re- members him saying in private, a quarter of a century ago, that American friendship was the most......
We Have Asked .elsewherewhates The Use Of The House Of
Commons, and urged that it should .apply _itself to the great problems : of the. hour. Instead of doing this, it occupied itself when it met on Tuesday with a futile and......
Now, The Animus With Which The Depressing Ministerial...
were made, of which Mr. Churchill complains, was to invigorate, stimulate, and inspire the nation to greater activity. The animus was for a vigorous prosecution of the war and......
Bank Rate, 5 Per Cent., Change I From 51 Per
cent. April 5th.......
The Suggestion That The War Office Was Trying To Trample
upon the party of progress we can only call either malign or idiotic. It was quite on a par with Mr. Massingham's own brilliant discovery when he and other members of the......
That This Is Not An Impossible Point Of View Can
be shown from the way in which those who support the Strength of Britain Movement met the fact that their pamphlet., Defeat or Victory ? was also forbidden to be circulated......
What Seems To Have Been Entirely Forgotten In The Debate
was to consider how Mr. Massingham, if he had been willing, as surely he should have been willing in war time, to sink his amour propre, should have taken the annoyance of......
President Wilson Has Called On The American Shipbuilders...
us by building hundreds of new ships. It is, in the long run, the most effective reply to the German submarine campaign. Our forefathers saved themselves in the struggle with......
Our Contemporary The Star Surpassed Itself On Friday Week In
a most venomous attack on the Foreign Secretary. For reasons that will soon be apparent, Mr. Balfour did not attend the Pilgrims' dinner to Mr. Page. Upon this the Star wrote :-......
Particularly Ridiculous Was Mr. Churchill's Frantic...
the assistance of the only person in the Press, as far as we know, who still takes him seriously or regards him as a patriotic statesman. He insisted that Ministers had said......