21 APRIL 1917, page 11
(to The Enema Or The Spectator."] Sire—politicians, Like...
always enamoured of the policy of compromise. Every compromise, however, has to be judged upon its own inherent merits, whether it be good or whether it be evil. The compromise......
(to The Editor Of The " Spectator.."] Sia,—i Am Glad
to learn through your article in last week's issue of the Spectator that you have made the timely discovery that the " unseen hand" is in the ownership of the Trade Unions and......
The Liquor Problem—wanted, A Compromise. (to The Editor...
"Seecraroa."1 SIII,—It is to be fervently hoped that your powerful appeal to the " extreme Temperance Party " in your issue of the 14th inst. will not fall on deaf ears. Coming......