[Notice in this column does not necessarily preclude subsoptent resins.] Parish War Societies. By W. R. Boelter. (The Smallholders' Union. ld.)—This is a most opportune moment for the appearance of a second edition of this little pamphlet on Parish War Societies and how to form and conduct them. The pamphlet is based, we are told, upon an experiment in village organization made by the author in
• Jan and her Job. By 'L. Allea Harker. London: John Iturray. [lla. net]
Cambridgeshire, which, if we may judge by the comprehensive and yet eminently practical nature of the scheme therein detailed, should have been attended by a considerable measure of success. Every parish has, of course, its own peculiar conditions, but for a general outline of how to start and carry on an Association of this kind we cannot imagine that these directions could be improved upon. As Mr. Beefier says in his introduction, " in the last resort.the war will not be won in Flanders and Picardy, but by the parishes of the United Kingdom organized for war." We cannot therefore do better than recommend this admirable little book to all who are interested in village organization, and who aro doing their best to meet the present food difficulties by the efficient mobilization of all tho national resources.